A Closer Look at Cowley Kids
Zeroing in on Cowley County kids and how poverty impacts health, education and their potential for a successful future
Below is information in nine areas (16 indicators) impacting the health, education and future of Cowley County kids. Use the available links to discover more about each of the areas. An overview handout is available at the bottom of the page.
There are 31-40 children under the age of 3 for each childcare opening in Cowley County.
About 35% of children in the county (more than 1/3) reported race/ethnicity other than non-Hispanic white.
All five Cowley County school districts have a higher percentage of students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) than Kansas overall.
More than 1/3 renters in Cowley county do not have affordable housing.
4 in 10 Cowley County students show signs of depression. 1 in 4 Cowley County students has made a suicide plan.
More than 3/4 of children in poverty in Cowley County live in single-parent households.
Based on factors of income, education, employment and housing quality, the Arkansas City neighborhoods south of Madison Avenue and west of the Walnut River are ranked move disadvantaged than 99 percent of all census tracts in the United States.
There is an upward trend in the lifetime use of e-cigarettes from 2018 to 2020 and vaping from 2021 in Cowley County.