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March 19, 2020
Post date: 03/19/2020
Interesting times require creative solutions. I've heard that statement (or a variation of it) repeated over and over again in the last several days as our community works together to locally respond to the crisis facing our country and the world.
Cowley County is fortunate to have a strong network of community leaders that are working together - health care, government, schools, first responders - to safeguard the people of our community.
Additionally, we have a substantial system of interconnected nonprofit organizations proven to provide assistance and resources for community members facing distress.
One of those agencies is Angels in the Attic in Arkansas City. Angels in the Attic is just one local example of many factions of community coming together to solve an issue.
Legacy Foundation, with the leadership of then Executive Director Pam Moore, was instrumental in helping Angels in the Attic to organize in September 2015. Angels in the Attic was made possible because an anonymous donor gave $50,000 through Legacy Foundation with a belief in the power of a commited group of organized citizens to create a solution to fill the void left by the departure of The Salvation Army from Arkansas City/Cowley County.
The social services at Angels in the Attic continue to expand through on-going assistance for those finding themselves needing help with utility bills and rent, resources for insurance and medical access, help through commodities and food pantry supplies, and someone to walk with individuals after addressing immediate crisis as they wade through the trials toward sustainable living. Angels in the Attic works cooperatively with Eagle Nest Inc (Winfield) and Joseph's Storehouse (Burden), as well as other agencies, to close the gap for people suffering from health disparities. Their focus is a hand-up, not just a hand-out.
You might be wondering why I am sharing this with you in light of everything else that is going on.
I want you to know Legacy and the charitable projects we (and by "we" I mean YOU) support are in the trenches. I met with the Cowley County Public Information Officers earlier this week and continue to participate in the daily ICS Cowley County COVID-19 Response calls. We continue to work as liaisons with our nonprofits, grantees and board in sharing information, checking on needs and providing leadership where we can. And, we are providing resources and information through our Legacy and Cowley County Service Alliance (CCSA) networks.
Because of your gifts to Legacy, Andrea and I are here to carry out the mission, especially in a community crisis. Thank you for your foresight in supporting the idea of Legacy so the reality is in place when we need it most.
We are's our middle name!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed [organized] citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
The above quote (shown with my addition of 'organized') from anthropologist Margaret Mead has been used millions of times. It speaks to the power of people mobilization; the power of true change.
What is an endowment? When a main gift is endowed, the principal is never spent; instead, it is permanently invested to provide income earnings for its intended use. Community foundations, such as Legacy Regional Community Foundation, pool resources and leverage that "buying power" to earn investment income, enabling a gift to make a greater impact that it could on its own as a one-time donation.
There are many ways to give to Legacy...learn more here or call 620-221-7224.
Need a distraction from the news of the day? Discover the impact of Keep 5 in Kansas. PLAY this 3:44 minute video for a short answer.
The distinctive mission of Legacy Regional Community Foundation is to grow area philanthropic and nonprofit efforts by connecting donors with critical needs in our community, instilling informed leadership and building endowments to create a stronger, healthier and more prosperous region.