Legacy Foundation Offers Challenge Grant for Donations to Food PantriesPost
Post date: Jul 19, 2013 7:10:02 PM
Winfield, KS, July 15, 2013 – In response to “Winfield food pantry needs community's help”, the July 13, 2013 article in the Winfield Courier, Legacy Regional Community Foundation is offering $1,000 in matching funds for donations made through Legacy to the Winfield Food Pantry and Manna Ministries. Donations will receive a 50% match on a first-come-first-serve basis.
“Our local pantries do great work and the Community Foundation is pleased to be responsive to this need,” says Pam Moore, executive director. “By offering up these match dollars, we challenge the public to show their support of these organizations too.”
To qualify, a donation must come to Legacy Foundation with the Winfield Food Pantry or Manna Ministries in the memo line. Donations will be matched until the pool of matching funds is depleted. All donations are tax-deductible.
Donations can be mailed to Legacy Foundation, P O Box 713, Winfield, KS 67156 or delivered in person to 1216 Main in Winfield.
For further information, visit www.legacyregionalfoundation.org or contact the office by phone at (620) 221-7224.
Legacy Regional Community Foundation creates a stronger future for our area by building endowments, providing informed leadership and connecting donors to the critical needs of the region.